Our culture will change beyond recognition!
Wednesday, 27 March 2013 18:29 | Hits: 12949 |
“The stars are still very, very far away. However, we, ourselves, have to live on Earth and, therefore, need to put it right”.
I.A. Yefremov
People of the future look at the people of the past. Illustrations from the “Bull’s Hour” novel by Ivan Yefremov.
On 22nd of March 2013 in Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Brussels a conference titled “Approaches that promote intercultural dialogue in the modern society” has been hosted by International non-profit organisation “New Youth Policy”. Conference gathered diplomats, public figures, experts, youth, representatives of the organisation from several countries and other professionals, which have both direct or indirect interest in intercultural co-operation and in the conference topics. By the common opinion of the attendees, our society is constantly growing and changing. Globalization is an objective process of global economy, countries, societies and their cultural values. The world is becoming unified, but what kind of place it will become fully depends on us and on those principles that we will develop together and base this union on.
A dialogue between cultures starts from revealing opportunities for such communication. The international organisation “New Youth Policy” together with the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Brussels made sure to create all possibilities for a fruitful conversation.
During the conference the participants of the new organisation perceived not only the overview of the current state of the society and various paths of its development, but also principles of alternative sustainable, in the long-term, complex approach to social development. Practically these approaches have been presented embodied in two projects: International Eurasian University and, surrounding it, a low-rise settlement. The latter is based on a fundamentally new conception of sustainable development.
Mark Amirov, General Director of the organisation and its representative in Belgium: “The main tasks being solved by the NYP team are, firstly, training of managerial staff, capable of solving difficult, complex problems, of settling interconfessional, interregional, international and intra-class conflicts in a socially safe manner, which would provide benefits to both sides of the conflict; secondly, promotion of intercultural dialogue; and, thirdly, resolution of social problems, search for scientifically sound solutions”.
In the short term of its existence, the international organisation “New Youth Policy” is already uniting people, who were working together for several years on the solutions to various social problems in various other social initiatives and project, from which the organisations has gathered most of its members. Because of this, although the organisation is still very new, it has representatives in many countries: Russian Federation, Belgium, Switzerland, Finland, Germany, UK, Estonia, Lithuania and Azerbaijan.
General Secretary, Alexey Severikov: “Representatives of NYP have participated and presented in many conferences, roundtables and seminars, in particular in the European Parliament, the Russian State Duma, also have helped in organisation of "IRYSTON-2011” forum in South Ossetia”.
Today, when the globalization comes to its final stages a question needs to be asked: on what principles should various kinds of problems be resolved? Many people are interested what kind of future is prepared for Europe and the whole world. The “New Youth Policy” organisation presented its view on the future and on approaches to solve the present accumulating problems.
“We are inclined to look into the future with optimism, although the present civilization has accumulated more than enough problems. We think that all problems could be solved, it all depends on the level of education and thinking culture of people. Got knowledge — got solution. But even with a vast amount of knowledge solving a poorly specified or not fully understood problem could be very hard. We could feel that something is not right, but often we might struggle to pick precise word to clarify the essence and reasons of the problem. That is why, for the dialogue to take place, an understanding, that not everyone understands problems in the same way, see them from the same point of view, is required”, — said the General Director of the organisation and its representative in Belgium, Mark Amirov.
Ivan Danilov, financial director and representative of the organisation in Germany, in his report “Person and environment — stages of development of science and technology as results of the culture of our society”1 has cogently shown that it is necessary to start developing not only individual solutions on animal vaccination, usage of pesticides on crops and other other attempts to change the consequences, but to complexly approach the solution by elimination of its reason.
He has shown, that today’s crises are consequences of the chosen way of the civilization development, its lifestyle, established culture of thinking, education and upbringing. Today the majority of Earth’s population live in cities — more than 70% (report “the Living Planet” WWF for “Rio+20” conference2). This leads to extinction of species already in the third generation. This fact has been proven by academic Dubinin in 40-50s on populations of Drosophila, which genetic apparatus is 50 times less susceptible to mutagens than human’s.
Science has gone through distinct stages of its development:
1. Industrial — when the technosphere has been under active development; 2. Post-industrial or Optimisational — when volumes of the production has been increasing and costs — reducing. The science came close to the eco-technological stage, when the human-developed technosphere needs to be subordinated to the needs of the biosphere, for the harmonic coexistence of humans and nature. This requires new approaches to organisation of human lives.
Approaches to solving accumulated problems has discussed in his report representative of the organisation in Russia, Vladimir Deviatov. “Megacities lead to the increase of disunity, fragmentation of the society, increase in crime and drastic decrease in natural presence. Hence development of megacities is a dead-end. It is necessary to adapt landscape-estate urbanization which is based on the conception of sustainable development”, — pointed out Vladimir Deviatov. In report “Alternative vision of sustainable development of the society”3 prepared together with Tatiana Pozdeeva, he concisely summarized principles of the conception of the sustainable development.
Optimal structure of land usage with such approach is considered the scheme developed by the modern greek architect S. A. Doxiadis: 40% - nature reserves, 42% - nature reserves with limited access for humans, 10.5% - agriculture, 7.3% - human accommodation, and only 0.2% for the production areas!
Governmental management in the sustainable development line has to flow in the cycle from 1. analysis of the biosphere and demographics — 2. development of the biosphere-ecological policy — 3. development of infrastructural policies — 4. development of the plan of economic support of these policies — 5. agricultural activities — 1. and so on. With such approach diversified balancing of the planned-market mechanism is the building tool of the diversified production and consumption system. Construction of such diversified balances becomes possible, if the consumption spectre is divided into demographically-necessary (physical needs: food, clothes, accommodation, social services, education) and degradational-parasitic (which harm current and future generations and the biosphere).
General Secretary of the organisation, Alexey Severikov, in his report “Co-operation in culture, education and science — creation of the International Eurasian University”4 said, that education will play the key role in every country in provision of the sustainable development harmonised with the biosphere. The state of education is the dependent factor of societal development: whether it will progress without crises based on prediction of the future, or regress. The latter could be observed right now on the countries within the Bologna Process, which is aimed at unification and standardization of the education publically, but defaultly conducive to systematic simplification and to quality decrease of the education.
As addressed by V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly, Russia is a “state-civilization”, which means the union of many people, different from other civilizations in their ideal — the purpose of life: “Life in justice!”. What is justice in every specific science, lifestyle was first described in Russia. This lead to creation of a unique methodology of solution of social problems. This way, Russia has suggested to the world the alternative version of globalization.
In in context of this version lies the project of the “New Youth Policy” - the International Eurasian University, as one of the scientific-educational centres for specialist training to ensure construction of the Eurasian union based on the principles of social justice. The infrastructure of the university is planned to be based on the new principles of landscape-estate urbanization, which were partly revealed by the previous reporter.
In the end of the conference Mark Amirov, in his report “Dialogue of civilizations and the consolidating idea of the global society”5 spoke about the developement of the process of, first, confrontation and then dialogue in a way of convergence of principles of two systems: capitalist and socialist. Convergence can combine in itself socialism, capitalism and other ideas, which allow the civilization of the planet, as a whole, to develop positively.
The most opened for mutual dialogue is the youth. Therefore there is a chance, when the experience of the older generation is combined with the ambitions of the youth, to succeed in establishing intercultural dialogue, in particular, by creating platforms not only for communication, but also for active creative co-operation for the good of the whole society of the interested youth in various countries. With this in mind following projects are being developed: the International Eurasian University, seminars, roundtables, conferences and the whole activity of the international organisation “New Youth Policy”. In particular, the conference in Brussels on 22nd of March 2013 is one of the stages of the consolidation process.
“We are sure, that only through open conversation, close attention to each other and mutual help, a fruitful intercultural dialogue is possible, which starts from interaction the youth”, — said Vladimir Deviatov, NYP representative in Russian Federation. “Who, if not youth, forms, chooses and implements that version of the future, which they prefer?” — explained Vladimir Deviatov.
In opinion of the General Director of the international youth organisation “New Youth Policy”, Mark Amirov: “What is happening today will change the world beyond recognition. Only intellectual youth with developed thinking culture is capable of controlling these changes for the better, for everyone’s benefit. We see our mission in helping the youth of all countries in achieving exactly that. This is why we are aimed at education of personnel, capable of resolve the most complex problems for the better in the pace of life and even faster. That is the reason why personnel is the key!”
[ 1 back ] — Presentation "People and environment — Development stages of science and technology as products of culture of our society": http://prezi.com/omrvgapa5axx/presentation/
[ 2 ] — Report "Living Planet" WWF for the "Rio+20" conference: http://awsassets.panda.org/downloads/1_lpr_2012_online_full_size_single_pages_final_120516.pdf
[ 3 ] — Presentation "Alternative vision of sustainable development of the society": http://prezi.com/fcs0nlwm2ora/presentation/
[ 4 ] — Presentation "Co-operation in culture, education and science — creation of the Internation Eurasian University": http://prezi.com/dut2mfoiupxa/presentation/
[ 5 ] — Presentation "Dialogue of civilizations and the consolidating idea of the global society": http://prezi.com/a3eccj4zndgm/presentation/