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Monday, 21 May 2012 21:36 |

   ABOUT US                

The movement unites intellectual youth of Eurasia and the world. The movement opens opportunities for personal growth for youth in countries of the region. By organizing conferences, roundtables, meet-ups of young specialists, the movement assists the deep integration of the region's cultures. Opportunities of travel and international exchange are open to all young people.

Russian-speaking people live all around the world: they communicate with each other, meet, share impressions, challenges and the experiences to overcome them. The movement grew out from a network of young Russian-speaking, and not only, people from different countries.

A common organization allows us to efficiently solve problems common for our countries, to find better solutions, and share experiences faster.

The key process in which our movement is developing, is conversation — a dialogue that aims to reach a common opinion for all parties, in contrast to a dispute — where each side tries to persuade others to their opinion. Our profound conviction is that conversation is the basis of democracy.


   The main aims of our activity:              

  • To unite young people and provide them with opportunities to share their opinions, to create new, relevant concepts that are alternative to existing ones in the European Union and the World.
  • To research social problems in regions where our movement is present, and promote their solutions in social institutions, such as government, education, marriage and family.
  • To create the necessary conditions for training and retraining of management through innovative approaches.

Our conviction — it is most important to gradually, consistently increase the results and success in achieving these aims through the abilities of our members.

   Principles of our activity:                                              

  • freedom of speech and distribution of information
  • democracy and self-government
  • humanity and solidarity
  • honor and right
  • global view
  • constructive conversation
  • self-development
  • initiative and personal responsibility

   MassMedia about us:                                                                               

   Map of the movement:                                                                   


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