Thursday, 02 May 2013 18:19 |
Our organisation and movement "New Youth Policy" is implementing several projects, has presented and promoted some initiatives at various events.
The Saint-Petersburg Consensus
We are the Eurasian youth represented by a social, international, non-profit organization “New Youth Policy” (Brussels, Belgium) who are proud to present a new international consensus “The Saint-Petersburg consensus” (henceforth — “the Consensus”), the principles of which may come into effect after you, Madam/Sir, have read this letter. However, one can deny participation in achieving the goals of the “The Saint-Petersburg consensus” by publicly proving that the concepts of the consensus are not consistent by launching a massive public discussion thereof. We believe that the principles expressed in the “Saint-Petersburg сonsensus” are much fairer than the currently existing ones. This letter obligesrecipients to initiate public discussions on the concepts described in the Consensus and to enable their implementation, unless the individual or the organization reading this letter publicly denies these principles by publicly disproving their consistency. In either case, the recepient is responsible for the destiny of the “Saint-Petersburg consensus” and their own destiny before their Conscience. Links to the document as PDF: Russian language: English language: French language: Links to the articles: Invitation: Press-release: The Saint-Petersburg Consensus: |
"International Eurasian University" projectProject coordinator: Alexey Severikov The presentation has taken place on: 22nd of March 2013 in Brussels. |
Project of development of the conception of sustainable development named "Lowrise Rus"Website: Presentation has taken place: 3rd of February 2010 in GosDuma of Russian Federation |
One of the key directions of Russian Federation's policy is development of integrational processes in CIS and EU. The highest priority projects in this field are the Customs union, Single economic space, Eurasian Parliament and Eurasian Union. Implementation of the projects described above is impossible without solving the main problem — personnel provisioning for integrational processes. One of the most important steps in solving this problem could be the creation of the "International Eurasian University" for preparation of future personnel for the Eurasian Union and its potential participants and partners. The university is aimed at solving the task of preparation of managerial staff of broad specialisation, carrying an idea of global level of importance — creation of such a system of social structure, where every person would have an opportunity to realise their cognitive-creative potential. The project includes several interrelated directions (subprojects): 1. Educational — development of new educational standards in the most problematic areas of science — sociology, management, economics and others. Training, based on them, of highly qualified staff, capable of solving socio-economic and business tasks of any level. 2. International cooperation — creation of an international discussion platform with the goal of expanding cooperation between the Russian Federation and other countries, support of integrational processes and creation of Eurasian Union. Organisation of various regular international events would allow experience exchange and preparation of the personnel basis friendly disposed to the Russian Federation. 3. Territorial development ("Lowrise Rus" project) — research of problems of provisioning for reproduction of biologically healthy generations, development of new urbanization principles, complex approach to preservation and recovery of nature. Implementation of the developed urbanization principles in practice as lowrise settlements, organically fitting into the natural landscape. Apart from the directions described above, an active participation in the municipal district and the region of placement of the University by staff, developers, resources is planned. |
People in the current technocratic civilization are hostages and captives of the techonosphere, created and being reproduced by the society itself in mode of unpredictable consequences.. Two alternative types of civilization are possible: The first goal of our common task is the development of a settlement model, for its subsequent implementation in different regions with the consideration of local peculiarities. In perspective, the development of principles of operation of a network of settlements and availing them to public access. This complex conception of vyes territorial development is very needed by our country today. The conception should be worked through to the level of technical documentation of all construction objects and should include:
The second goal of the task is the construction of actual vyeses by various self-sufficient groups. In perspective — construction of a network of settlements. In general — the creation of conditions required for vyes terrirorial development on the basis of "Lowrise Rus" ideas. The third goal is the creation of an informational database and means of accessing it, which requires: