If we will not change anything in the moral and worldview basis of our civilization, then it will degrade
Wednesday, 15 May 2013 16:19 | Hits: 75159 |
“...Where should we swim?”
(A.S. Pushkin).
Alexey Severikov: “If we will not change anything in the moral and worldview basis basis of our civilization, then it will degrade”.
Perhaps this question worries many people, and rightly so. This is because any control (regardless what is being controlled) — is foreseeing the future, more precisely, foreseeing of how the controlled object will behave in the future.
Many people are frightened by the future, because many occurrences in life are beyond a common person’s understanding. However, this fear is similar to the fear of driving a car: while inexperienced — scary, with enough experience - easy. Future generations, perhaps, will look at their past and be surprised, how ignorant people (i.e. us) could not solve such simple problems?
To successfully control, it is necessary to learn how to, but exactly this is not usually taught. The current education system does not include such a subject — “controlling life”. All social sciences, related to control in a society (sociology, economy, psychology, pedagogy, history and others), are in a state of crisis. Possibly, representatives of these sciences will not agree with me, but the main aim of sciences is to solve societal problems at an outpacing rate, not create them. If we look at results of social sciences’ activities: Russia is suffering an unending crisis in all areas, education fills specialists’ heads with pseudo-scientific nonsense, which is not at all aimed at transforming Russia into a prosperous state.
If we look at global trends, then we could see a very similar picture. There is not a single prosperous country on Earth, where at least the basic problems of human society are solved. Moreover, many people who have migrated to the West, have already seen that precisely the Western civilization is the leader of mankind on its way to suicide - this is supported by many factors. Here are some of them:
- depressed state of the biosphere and constantly increasing number of man-made disasters (accident on the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and others);
- mutagenic influence of cities (the quantity of physical and psychological illnesses is much higher in the West than it is in Russia — because not everyone has moved to cities yet);
- the economic crisis, the root of which is usury — legalised kind of robbery of the society, masked as a business, which transfers population’s solvency into usurers’ pockets through the interest rate.
Our planet has two choices:
- If we will not change anything in the moral and worldview basis of our civilization, then it will degrade, most likely as a result of a global technogenic catastrophe. If, as a result of such a catastrophe, the mankind will not be extinct, then it will be thrown back into the past, possibly, down to the stone age.
- Transformation of our civilization based on the creation of such culture and social organisation, which would be harmonic with the biosphere and the cosmos. In order to implement such an option, it is necessary to change the moral and worldview approaches to life, starting with oneself - it will not happen on its own. And if someone thinks that others, such as a head of state, will do it for them, they are mistaken.
A head of state is only an arbitrator, which veers between various political powers, colliding them together in a power struggle, and not letting this struggle to turn into a revolution. However, he is not almighty and has to wait until the public would catch up and turn into personnel, who care about their future, suggesting alternative approaches in the area of societal management. When there becomes many of them and their opinion begins to prevail, then the process of, so called, “spiritual solidarity of people” will begin.
The government apparatus sits between a head of state and people. If this apparatus shows inability to learn or unwillingness, then the society will not remain indifferent to such a state of affairs, which will manifest in various kinds of activities aimed: either at an increase of righteousness and managerial literacy of relevant officials and business owners; or their replacement by personnel, who are educated based on the moral and worldview approaches alternative to the liberal-bourgeois nonsense, which prevails in heads of managers across the world.
Thus the moral and worldview principles lay at the heart of every culture, which, in its turn, creates corresponding science. Science is the basis for education, education prepares personnel, and the personnel create problems.
Kozma Prutkov said: “From small causes might result quite serious consequences”. Any person can control any process, including global processes, if only the wish to do so was there. The knowledge and possibilities will always follow.
Looking at the local level — Gatchina and the region around it — the same problems occur in nearly every area. A clear example — the recently conducted reform of self-governance, which was spoken about by the vice-governor Konstantin Patraev not long ago. In particular, it was said that regions and their centres are uniting, and that will bring benefits. Precisely in Gatchina this question was very serious. Will Gatchina, the town, be joined to the region, or Gatchina will become an urban district and will join rural settlements to itself, or both of them will stay separate — is not really important. The key questions are:
- Is the regional or the town administration able to develop the town and the region in a way, that would avoid creating poverty and incivility?
- Do the administrations have specialists capable of pursuing a policy of steady exhaustion of deficit of demographically-related needs of the population (such as high quality education, natural food and clothing, accommodation for development of families, social services and means to ensure personal development)?
- Are these specialists capable of creating and implementing a coherent conception of regional development with controlling indicators, that would allow to clearly evaluate the quality of the administration’s work, or will such a conception be another victim of graphomania (which is so plentiful in Russia)?
- Are the administrations capable of creating a system for preparation and development of personnel, who would be able to provide a system of social justice in practice — not by excusing themselves with referrals to the higher levels of government, shortcomings in financing and other problems, which need to be dealt with in a working order, including by posing certain questions to these levels of government.
Everyone could answer these questions themselves. The public needs their problems to be solved.
The future way of development of local self-governance lies in two directions:
- Preparation of adequate managerial personnel, first of all, in the problem areas highlighted by president V.V Putin. Namely, in areas of economy, jurisprudence, management and sociology. Mastering managerial literacy in all educational institutes of the city and the district. Sometime in the past, the society had eliminated illiteracy in terms of reading and writing, now we must eliminate illiteracy in terms of controlling life and the national economy. Until the currently inadequate standards of education, which have been highlighted by our president, will change, this has to happen through additional education and professional development.
- Establishment of a constant dialogue between the society and the government apparatus. Discussion of problems, attraction of potential staff members capable of solving these problems, provisioning of necessary resources and authority for them, successful achievement of set aims.
This algorithm will allow to effectively solve various problems and to transfer the society into a state of stable, crisis-free development. But this algorithm is not possible without an initiative from the society itself. As an example, consider the Discussion club of Gatchina, the aim of which is identification of problems, setting of aims, and their achievement. All interested people are welcome to participate in the club, which can be found in the social network “Vkontakte”: vk.com/dkgtn
SOURCE: http://lgpress.ru/online/top/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1364366224&archive=&start_from=&ucat=1,5,7,12&