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Alcohol and psyche as the totality of the human mind, conscious, and unconscious

Wednesday, 19 December 2012 14:25 | Hits: 11839 |

Soviet anti-alcohol poster - inscription in large letters "Shame!".

First of all, we need some clarifications, since brain and intellect, though connected to each other, are, in fact two different concepts. Brain is a part of the human central nervous system, consisting of a large number of neurons joined by synaptic connections. Intellect, in the most general sense, is a process of self-tuning algorithms that sample and transform information, as a result of which information modules are constructed. These modules were previously unknown to the system and have not been received in ready-made form. The intellect is a kind of general nature phenomenon and therefore is not related only to humans.

Using the theory of oscillation, the theory of algorithms and the theory of information, the human psyche can be approached as an information-algorithmic system. Then a model of so-called "black box" can be built, which is used in cybernetics. This allows neglection of any special medical research to make an accurate conclusion about the processes taking place inside the brain. Any information-algorithmic process in the psyche of an individual is accompanied by some kind of biochemical processes. Which cannot happen one without the other.

The "black box": an object, the judgment of its internal structure is considered by its reaction to incoming information flows. That is to say we know what are the inputs and what are the outputs. By these parameters we can realize what is hidden in the "black box."

Some low-frequency information processes in the psyche have a duration equivalent to an individual's lifetime. When the concentration of alcohol in the blood is outside of its natural oscillation level for the body (this is up to 0,022 ‰, which means 0.022 ml to 1 l of blood, in total one human has 4-5 l of blood), loss of information in the psyche happens either temporarily or permanently. Furthermore the functioning of intellect is distorted at all times, till the level of alcohol and alcoholic toxins in the blood will not come back to the natural background.

The Information lost due to drinking of alcohol will not be restored. But algorithms of psyche functioning are such that after removing the effects of alcohol shock, they begin the process of restoring broken mosaic picture of the world: the lost units of meaning and connection between them will regenerate. The speed of this process is such that after 100 g of vodka, Christmas or wedding wine glass of champagne (200-250 g 12o strong), a pint of beer (6o strong) about three years will have to pass before the intellectual activity at the limit of personal resources will be restored back after the damage caused by a single drink — a light one by the concepts of the present time.

All this means that while modeling mental picture of the world (comprehensive world view), which runs continuously, consuming alcohol and other poisoning drugs, some semantic units and some connections between them disappear or are inevitably torn distorted. This means that the modeling of some processes with an aim to assess the situation and possibilities to change it, based on the damaged image of the world, will be more inaccurate in estimated future options and less detailed.

From information flows, alien to normal genetic, appear information modules alien to normal psyche, some of which, set parallels with the computer world, in their functions and effects on the psyche are similar to installer-programs of complex data products and computer viruses (some of them in the past were called "demons", an individual possessed by them — "obsessed").

Accordingly the set of processes, that this individual is able to manage, is narrowed such, that his attempts to control the flow of such processes, the errors in the modeling of which exceeds the critical level of his psyche, will inevitably complete as a collapse of the management process. This individual will be unable to control some of long duration (low-frequency) processes for a long time, which will have to pass before the intellectual activity at the limit of personal resources will be restored after the damage of even a single drink. During this time, a lot can happen, and it might be impossible to re-enter into some processes.

Described mechanism of alcohol consumption effect leads to that an individual, who regularly even sips beer, is simply useless to talk to on many subjects. This is because understanding of these subjects requires certain level of detail and the adequacy of the number of connections between the units of meaning in his model of the world. But this level is unattainable for him, because of the systematic destruction of the information-algorithmic processes of long duration through alcohol consumption.

That is why for centuries Islam and many occult-magic schools insisted on absolute sobriety of their followers, because they were concerned about maintaining themselves in the highest capability. There are such standards in some cultures in which a single exposure of dope was regarded as an irreplaceable loss of quality for a specific activity.

It is no secret that in life there is a confrontation of different social groups, which led to many methods of deterrence, blocking, violations, "saddling" of foreign intellectual activity and will, as well as a variety of methods of stimulation, pseudo stimulation and hone of own intellectual activity culture. And alcohol is a mean of such effect on the intellectual culture of opponents or those who need to be "saddled".

Further, it should be understood that with an individual, whose psyche is besotted by alcohol, tobacco or any other drug, the following happens: consciousness is displaced in a slightly different frequency range than normal.

Here is a clear example of what this is about. It so happens that as a result of high levels of stress in an emergency situation or organic lesions, certain biochemical changes in the body and psyche will mix into a slightly different frequency range. Well known is a case of a soldier during a war at the front, who saw as in slow-motion as a shell fell in front of him, its package slowly cracked, powder gases began to escape, then it was torn to pieces and its debris also slowly scattered in different directions.

What follows from the fact that the psyche is displaced in a slightly different frequency range than normal?

First result is as described above, and the second is an unauthorized by the individual himself information littering. We can represent this mentally and schematically — unconscious is a large deep draw-well, and the consciousness is a cap that closes it. Normally, the draw-well is covered with the cap, and if the individual smokes and drinks then the cap becomes slightly ajar and anyone would be allowed into the draw-well. That is, figuratively speaking, the guardian of the draw-well cap, is drunk and asleep, cap — put away, and anyone could do anything with the draw-well.

All shamans use precisely this effect, consuming every drug or nearly every psychotropic. The use of these substances opens an information channel in their psyche. This channel may allow bi-directional flow of information. If this is so, then through such opened channel an individual himself can have an impact on the world, if he has a will and enough of self-discipline. In this case it will be the "shaman", many of which are based on the practice of intentional drug addiction of themselves and others. But shamans are a minority. Victims of shamanism and shamans are greater in numbers: many Indigenous peoples of the Americas were forced to smoke tobacco by their shamans because tobacco opened a clear channel for the shamans to enter the psyche of each of the weaker and less knowledgeable member of the tribe, but still ended by the collapse of their civilization.

If the one reading these lines belongs to the category of regular drinkers of alcohol, even in small quantities, then if you immediately make for yourself the decision of absolute sobriety in relation to alcohol, tobacco and other dope, it will take several years before you will realize much of significance behind this text. If you choose not to enter the absolute sobriety soon, perhaps you will consider what is said here as, at least, exaggerated, or of no value at all.

In addition to the question of the will, lets change the subject as a whole to the concept of the state. And so among most individuals their will is not developed in the process of education, in addition to all that their will is suppression by alcohol, tobacco and other foolishness, including moral and psychological pressure on the psyche of the individual by mass-media, show-business, education or a particular authority personally. All of this deprives their will and activates instinctive algorithms of gregarious behavior — a process of deindividuation. Controlling people, who are like a herd of cattle, is much easier than controlling people, who understand themselves and have generally sufficient will.

Since people addicted to tobacco and alcohol are mostly mentally unstable and weak individuals, by getting taxes to the treasury from these dopes, the state recognizes that it is constructing a "liberal" society, while in fact suppressing those mentally weak and unstable. Not to mention the fact that in the Soviet period of Russian History — with much lower than in the post-Soviet Russia level of alcohol consumption per capita and the state monopoly on the production and sale of alcohol — one ruble revenues from alcohol sales accounted for 3 to 5 rubles damage verifiable by accounting. The damage that is not amenable to accounting (which, however, arises and affects the life of the society), are not mentioned.

Of course people have the right to choose the way of an alcoholic suicide for themselves. But when it comes to human resources policy, especially in the areas of governance, in which the state of affairs determines the life of society, then the whole of the society will have to deal with the consequences of control, suppressed by alcohol. Then a time will come when drinking managers will not have the right to be offended by that they did not know something and they have not been warned... This text — is a warning.

For many of those who drink alcohol it is difficult to estimate the degradation of their abilities. Firstly because the degradation happens relatively slowly. Secondly, it is most clearly seen while working at the limit of sensory and intellectual capacities, and not everyone likes to strain themselves in selfless work. Thirdly, there is just nothing to compare to. After all, while drinking alcohol is not possible to compare yourself with the your other self, which would have been if no alcohol had been consumed. Without any alcohol consumption, the personal development would go faster for sure.

Many people have chosen to stop consumption of alcohol and have chosen absolute sobriety. They could not expect such positive spillover effects themselves. Memory became better, better philosophy of life, intellectual culture has enlarged, new good friends, new hobbies. They clearly testify that the quality of their lives immeasurably increased.

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